Saturday, June 09, 2007

random thoughts

What possesses people (mostly photography type people) to take pictures like this? I was in Arizona, walking with my sister in law, we were engaged in conversation and all of a sudden I stopped and took a picture of this tree. I was almost compelled to take the picture, I couldn't help myself. Is it the tree? Is it because the tree is dead? I don't know, I can't tell you.
The top photo is the original and the second is the one I changed to sepia. Which do you like better?

I know this is a random post but that is how I felt this morning...random.
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Shauna said...

I like the original, but they're both cool.

Elise said...

I like the sepia. But I agree, they are both cool. I like the bird on the branch. When I first saw the pic I thought that was why you took it, for the bird. Love you!

Erin said...

I like the contrast of the blue in the angle of the picture, though.

Melissa said...

I really like the original. I love the blue sky and the shadows under the limbs. Cool random picture!