O.K. all you lurkers - it's time to de-lurk and post on this blog. I need your help. I need feedback on this flyer. Don't worry about hurting my feelings because you can't. I want to know what you like and what you don't like about this flyer. I need to know specifics. I want to make this the best it can be and so I need everyones opinion - whether you think it's a nice one or not - don't care - I still want it! So, get on your keyboards, log in and let me know what you think...I'm waiting.......

and by the way, Thanks!
I posted my feedback on the family website, but I really do think it looks fantastic. A far cry from the first draft last night. I think it's quite professional and well done.
I also posted on the fam website. But to continue...if I was to choose the two others to enlarge (with all the others possibly going a tad smaller) I would choose the one of Zach at the fence with Shelby and the one with the little girl and baby. (I would have chosen the one of your two boys, but I thought that a little presumtuious (sp?) since a lot of people know you and would know they were yours. Anyway, I would also make SURE the address of your portrait art blog is on there somewhere. It's kind of in lew of a website right now, right? So, people can go see some MORE of your work. You could even post a more extensive pricelist and your 'hours of business' on the blog. Then they are getting more info and photos to brouse through by going to the blog. Also, put something like 'call now' on the blog and maybe a special discount for mentioning that they went to your blog. Then there is incentive?
Also, put your logo at the top of your blog...so there is consistency through all of your portrait art stuff. You could also put on the flyer something like 'got to such and such website (your blog) for a limited time discount' or something to that effect - in order to get people to go to your blog. Then they see the special discount mentioned on your blog and will CALL!
I think it looks great Angela! I think the baby on the towels is the best picture, so I would for sure leave that one larger. I also love the one of David and his wife and baby. They both look VERY professional. You do great pics. I sure wish I lived closer to you! :) Miss you-
Your pictures are beautiful- I would suggest having 4-6 pictures on the flier so that it doesn't look too busy. Good luck!
I really like it! Sorry, I'm not much of an art critic, but speaking as a total lay-person, I think it looks great. Mike and I saw you on TV last night, by the way. It was a rerun of one of your mom's Education Week talks, and you were holding a baby and talking about how important tone of voice is. My kids recognized you ("Hey! That's Kenneth's aunt Angela! HEY! That's Joy-Joy!") Very fun. Good luck with the poster and the new camera!
I asked for feedback on my business flier too. I was so appreciative of any input someone gave me. So here goes--This looks super! I love the pictures you chose. I agree that the child and dog by the fence picture is worthy of more focus--super cute. As far as spacing, maybe raise the words printed on the bottom a little so it's not so close to the bottom of the page. You could also reduce the amount of space between the price list heading and the price list itself just to group them a little more. I love the background and the edges on all the pictures--very professional and classy. The only other thing I noticed was that your logo/business name almost looked blurry/fuzzy at the beginning and end. It might just be my eyes though! :) Good luck with your business!
Maybe lightening up the watermark behind everything would make your logo easier to see??
Thanks everyone...this is very helpful!
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