This first picture is Makenna. She is Rollin and Dana's three year old. She is such a character! She loved picking the apples and stayed around for the whole process. Long after the other kids had gone off to play something else, she was still there sorting the apples and pressing the juice.
I'm having a hard time loading other pictures, so I'm going to try it a different way...continue to look for more pictures from our fun weekend.
We went tubing on Saturday and I am so sore today. My whole body feels like it's gone through...I don't know what, but it went through it. My shoulders ache, my knees are all banged up and have like road rash all over them. This picture above is Danny on the left (a maneuver which he recovered from and stayed on the tube), me and then Steve. We had a wonderful time on the lake. The weather was perfect. We got babysitters for our children and we just enjoyed ourselves. It was Danny, Amanda, me, Darrel, Steve, and Joy. We spent the bulk of the day on the lake beating ourselves up and having a fabulous time and then we came home and played games. It was the most fun I've had in a long time.
Today I need to go to the library to see if I can find a fire safety video for my preschool. We have fire safety day tomorrow and I want to show the children what a fireman looks like in full gear. We are also going to make badges, practice crawling and practice stop, drop, and roll. I'm sure we'll have a good time. I don't know how much these children retain what I teach them but I do my best.
Zachary is clingy today. I think he needs more sleep. I told him that I'd take him to the park this afternoon but it's raining right now so if it warms up we'll go. I checked the weather and it's supposed to be around 82 today. I'm sure the day will end sunny. That is one of the perks of Las Vegas.