Thanks to Sarah I have these two wonderful pictures of Scrapfest 2008. I made new friends, I stayed up way too late, I drank too much caffeine, and I had the most wonderful time ever!! Oh, and I snore (sorry Jennie). I tried my best for two nights in a row to wait until everyone else had fallen asleep so no one could hear me snore but I was unsuccessful both nights. You think I could have done it at least one night, but no, I am not the night owl that I always thought I was. I tell you what...these girls are hardcore night owls. Thanks for the memories was way fun!!

Looks fun Angela! So where did you go for scrapfest, and who are the girls you went with. Hope you got a lot done. I think I would do too much talkin and not enough scrappin. :)
We went to St. George. The girls, in order of the second picture, are Jennie, Jerolyn, Erin, me. And I did WAY too much talking and not enough scrappin, but I had a GREAT time! You would LOVE these gals - you would never quit laughing.
Ang YOU ARE HARDCORE! It's just that somebody in the group just kept right on talking into the wee hours of the night as if she thought no body needed to get some shut eye! haha BAD GIRL! What a riot. GOOD TIMES! ps I did not hear you snore once!
Yeah, me either!!! I didn't hear you snore once. Of course, I think I crashed pretty hard since it was soooooo late by the time I went to sleep both nights. Thanks for all the laughs...actually getting scrapbooking done at ScrapFest is just an added bonus~the real reason for the weekend was to laugh & relax. See? It was a success!!! Love ya.
Actually Ang, Erin didn't fall right to sleep because by "crashing hard" what she means is, she actually knocked herself out after leaping onto the bed from that high dive she hoisted into the room at 4:30a.m.~haha.
Looks so fun!!! Did you get what you wanted to do, done?
Hi I thought you may be interested in an upcoming National Scrapbook Day event.
Check it out at my blog
Hope you can make it!
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