Zachary was throwing a royal fit while Darrel was practicing soccer a couple weeks ago. I couldn't resist snapping a picture of the pout face. I just found this cool photoshop action (free...yea baby) that made it look like this. I, by the way, am having an AWESOME, and WONDERFUL time here at Scrapfest 2008. A big thank you to all those who put it together and for the clique that I got to hang out with this weekend. Welcome to our newest member (you know who you are...)
I don't really know how to say this to you Angela, so I guess I'll just put it this way.....
I LOVE YOU! There you have. There is simply no way of getting around it. I had a blast this weekend and we will definately be doing that again...the getting together and laughing our blasted heads off part that is! Oh ya and I am adding you to my links under Snoop Bloggy Blog so check it out!
BLOG ON!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming this weekend and making MY weekend WONDERFUL. I had such a great time with you, and LOVED hanging with you all weekend. Thanks for being so great, making me laugh, driving us (and pulling over for me to be sick), and being patient with me while I shopped!!! You ROCK, and I love you!!! You're one of my favorite peeps.
Hey - thanks girls...you sure know how to make a person feel loved! I love you guys too :0)
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