My sister, Elise, is in town with her cuteness children. I can't wait to get some good photo shoots with these two again. We had a great time in Colorado taking some awesome pictures and now that I have my new camera, well, we're just going to have to carve out some time for pictures. Elise and Les had this vacation to Vegas planned before Les left for Iraq and Elise decided to come with her children anyway. We're so glad that she still came. It's so much fun to have her and her two cute kids here. Kudos to travelling alone with her children (although I'm sure they were angels - they usually are). Anyway, great to have her here and we're looking forward to a couple of very fun weekends!

Ok-love the new blog backround. So where did you get it and how did you do it? you're going to have to call me AGAIN and give me instructions. :)
click on the orange link that is across the entire top of the page and it will take you to where I got this awesome background - they have literally hundreds of free backgrounds for blogger...try it out...the instructions are really easy - but I'll call you :0)
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