I went to the park yesterday to take some pictures of a photographer family I know and so I snapped a few pictures for Joy and her kids - I think I got at least one good one of all of them. I was trying out this new pose that I've seen and liked with some people in the background out of focus and some (or one) in the foreground, in focus. I got this shot all ready and when Joy moved away from Caitlin she freaked out big time. It made for a classic shot - she even still has her hands in her pockets...I love it.

We had a wonderful weekend with our friends the Armstrongs and I will update about that soon (when I have a little more time). See ya!
That's classic! I do love that she has here hands in her pocket like a good little model! :) How cute. The technique is really awesome too.
LOVE the picture! Especially the big brothers smiling in the background! I'm so glad you're back, and blogging again...it's been a while!
I love it Angela!!! So cute!
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