These events happened at the Webb family reunion in CA. This is just continued on from the mud posts. Expect at least one more post from the reunion...maybe two.
I didn't actually go to this air museum with the boys. Darrel took my camera and my boys and went with the dads, some moms and all the little cousins. The rest of the moms hung out at the house and rested before the next big thing we were doing...which that day, I believe, was the beach. The kids had a great time at the museum and came home ready for some wave action.

These next two pictures show Alex shooting off this gun. I guess the man in charge didn't warn the kids that it would be loud. He had it rigged to some kind of compressed air or gas, or something, but when they shot it off it was loud and it scared the kids. Alex was the first one to shoot the gun and didn't know what to expect.

This is a nice picture of Zach with some museum memorabilia. I was looking at this picture and noticed something strange. Look at Zach's feet. Now look at the close up next picture.

Yes, this would be my son wearing the left flip flop on both the left foot AND the right foot. Nice.

This is a great shot that Darrel captured of Zach sitting in the driver's seat of this truck. Little did Zach know that his cousin was sneaking up behind him getting ready to do

this...Zach thought he was pretty funny.
how come he has 2 left flip flops???
That is an excellent question. He actually has two pair of flip flops but only decided to wear (find) the left foot of both pairs. He is such a character.
I love the jigsaw puzzle!!!
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