This is the recipe for a good mud football game.
1. Find yourself a nice big field of dirt and water it for at least 12 hours nonstop.

2. Fill the field with people that are not afraid to get really, really muddy and like football.

3. Tell them to break into teams and get ready to get dirty.

4. Have a good quality control guy on hand to keep the field nice and wet.

5. Let the little ones play too because they are so much closer to the mud and they can absorb a lot of the shock your body might feel when you fall.

6. Put your mark on all your players so if they get lost, or decide not to play anymore you can identify them.

7. Tell your husband that if he gets any muddier you are throwing away all the clothes he currently has on.

8. Then watch him fall into the mud, heave a big sigh for the dirtyness, and laugh at his misery.

9. Watch as the dirt becomes worse and worse mud. Watch as the people you love sink deeper and deeper.

10. Make all the players come together at half time to take a mud picture for all posterity.

11. Tell them to act like warriors and then see the reaction.

12. Watch in utter horror and is gets worse and worse.

13. Be grateful that you weren't the one playing and that your husband doesn't need any help washing himself off, because you just spent the last hour washing your dirty children who DID need help.

This was one happening mud football game and I was glad that I was on the sidelines taking pictures and not in the thick of it. There were many bruises suffered by mostly the adults playing because they made it a tackle football game...OUCH! Everyone playing said that they had a good time so I guess I'll believe was really, really fun to watch. (And we did end up throwing away the majority of the clothes worn by everyone seen in the above photos)
Your brave to have even stood on the side wouldn't have seen me near it in fear some would be splashed on me. I love the pics of your boys on the beach!
Oh I would have been so in the middle of that~~~Bring it yo!
Ohhhh, holy mud!!!! Those would have to be some seriously disposable clothes! And when you're not even at your own house, how do you even get it all cleaned off??? And then the shoes.... Oh no. I couldn't do it. But kudos to you for standing by and watching!
Oh I love it! That looks like so much fun!!!
That looks great! I would loved to have been in there too. Good pictures though.
Great post!!! Very clever. I love it. That is fantastic fun forevermore burned into your memories...awesome.
What fun!! Love the pictures!
That is HILARIOUS! How fun that would be! Wish I was there:)
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