Monday, February 04, 2008

our fun weekend

We had a great weekend with my parents and little brother, Ben. We saw Johnathan and Alex play in basketball games, got to ice skate, my dad got to golf, Joy and my mom shopped, my dad and I went to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay, and as an unexpected surprise, my dad, mom, Darrel and I were able to go see Mama Mia! at the last minute Sunday night. It was way fun. Here are some pictures from our weekend (sorry they're a little out of order).

1 comment:

Erin said...

I love the 1st picture of Zach looking out at the rink--he looks so amazed. He's so CUTE, I love it! And I love the picture of Joy holding on to Ben--she looks like she's barely staying upright & Ben is totally chillin, like 'no biggie.' I'm glad you guys had fun & the adults got to go out--that's so nice!