After months of preparation and a lot of prayers on my behalf that all the travel would go smoothly, it did. We all arrived in Florida safe and sound, we all boarded the ship without problems and we all made if home without incident. We went snorkeling in Nassau and again in Cocoa Cay (a private island owned by the Royal Carribean Cruise Line). It was only a three day cruise and over way too soon but we had a blast while we were all together. I just love my family and I love spending time with them. We ate the most incredible food until we were so stuffed we could barely move and then we had dessert. Our waiters were Anthony and Ryan and they were so cool. The water in the Bahamas is such a beautiful shade of blue it is almost unreal. I was the only one taking pictures on the trip and I didn't have my nice camera but I think I still got some good ones.

The boys had a great time at Rusty and Della's house. They took them four wheeling on Saturday to pick out a Christmas tree up in the mountains and the boys loved it. I wish I could have gotten some pictures of their trip but I took Alex's camera on the cruise and so I'll just have to use my imagination and their accounts of how cool it was. We're back and back to reality. I had preschool yesterday and I have it again today. I'll just tell you that I'm ready for Christmas vacation. I really do enjoy preschool and the kids are wonderful, but I am ready to have a couple of weeks off from the preparation of it all. The Armstrong family is coming this weekend and we can hardly wait. The whole family is excited to see their family. We have always enjoyed a special bond as families and I'm so glad that we can continue this friendship even though we don't live as close anymore. We were supposed to go to see Celine Dion in concert but she cancelled all her shows this week and weekend because of a viral infection. We all are SO BUMMED!! We decided to go to the Tournament of Kings instead and take all the kids. I think that the boys are going to think that is the coolest thing ever! I am sad about the Celine concert but I am actually excited to go see the Tournament of Kings. I am mostly excited just to see the Armstrongs. We'll have a good time no matter what we decide to do.
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