I just looked at my last post and realized that it's been almost a week since I've updated. It's been a prettty normal week for us. On Tuesday I helped the Bear cub scout with their "scouting for food" drive. I took Alex and one other scout and we put yellow plastic bags on all the doors, or under the mats of a subdivision in our ward. In truth, Alex and the other scout did all the running and Zachary and I drove slowly by them watching them the whole time. They did great but I forgot water so by the time we were done they were pretty thirsty.
Tuesday night was also Alex's choir concert. He did a wonderful job and it was so fun to go and see him sing with his fellow choir members. He says that choir is his favorite part of school. Here is a picture of him with his choir...

He's the cute one in the center (right underneath glowing hair boy), although I have to admit, the little boy directly under him and to the right has the cutest dimples ever!
Yesterday was fairly ho hum, Alex had gymnastics and it was nice that he wasn't late. Usually he's at scouts and we're late to gymnastics on Wednesdays.
Tonight I'm going visiting teaching and since I promised my sisters homemade bread I'll be baking that soon. I thought it would be nice to take it to them warm which is why I haven't started it yet. I also had preschool today, we talked about Turkeys. We played with beanbags and that for sure was a hit. We'll be using those again soon.
Tomorrow starts my weekend and that well be so nice. Saturday Alex has a birthday party and then Darrel and I are taking him out special for his birthday. It will be nice to spend some one on one time with him.
Well, I'm off to do other things...