Monday, August 25, 2008

This is me ignoring the first day of school

You notice that I continue and WILL continue to post about our Grammie's week. I am ignoring the fact that I took my firstborn to JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL today. Holy Cow - I am for sure not ready for this. I am freaking out that my kids are growing up...does anyone else feel this way?? So, next on the blog agenda will come the family reunion and I will continue to ignore the fact that I used to have little boys and now they are all growing up on me. AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Kudos to everyone else who updated their blogs to include pictures of the first day of school. I am continuing to ignore the fact that it was the first day of school today. So please don't remind me...


Kim said...

I can't even imagine Junior High!!! Wow!!! But before I know it, that is where Madi will be! Yikes!!!

Joy said... are NOT THAT OLD. CRAZY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ahhh i cant wait to see the pictures of the first day of school. I bet it is scary that they are growing up. post soon. :)

Erin said...

I'm glad you survived the first day, and even more glad that your boys LOVED it. Thanks for blazing the trail for me, so you'll have already been there, done that when I get there!