I don't know how long this is going to be. I don't know if I have that many things to say. This past week was a whirlwind of activity at our house. We had a couple of games, a preschool graduation, getting back on track at school, day camp preparations, 5 sacrament talks to prepare, etc. We were out of town last week at Darrel's parent's house. We had such a great time. We always love getting together with his family. But this time was especially cool because his sister who lives in Maryland was there with her three kids, (one of whom I've never met in person) and his sister who lives in Oregon was there, another sister is living with his mom and dad temporarily until their house sells in Illinois, and another brother came up from the valley (Phoenix) to see everyone. It was a very packed house but we all had a wonderful time. The boys love going to Grandma and Grandpa's house because there are so many things to do outdoors. Johnathan spends the majority of his time riding the four-wheeler, Alex played with his cousins, mowed the lawn (riding lawnmower), and helped out Grandpa Buzz. Zachary was all about being outside with his cousins and for the first time had minimal parental supervision outside and was loving it. They all built a fort in the horse pasture, played on the merry-go-round and got very muddy when dad and grandpa Buzz fixed the sprinklers and were testing them out.
The sisters and sisters-in-law pretty much stayed inside, chatted, watched the little kids, and I took a BUNCH of pictures for Father's Day surprises. I went out at least once pretty much every day to take pictures. We did get some dang-cute pictures though (see previous posts).
Preschool graduation went well. The kids were SO CUTE!!! They are just so funny. Some of them are so different when their parents are around. It's interesting to see the change in their little personalities. Not in a bad way, just a change, usually they are way more outgoing when their parents aren't around then when they are. I made a dvd for the parents of all the pictures I had taken through the year. I thought it turned out pretty nice. I didn't get a title or picture on the front, though, I was a little disappointed that I ran out of time to make that happen. Next year I'll have to start my end of the year preparations a little sooner.
This week I start my summer fun classes. I have a lot of them filled so we'll have a house full every Tuesday for awhile. I'm excited though, it will be really fun. I have some way-cool crafts planned that even I am excited about. This Tuesday it will be all about color. We're going to use eye-droppers and water mixed with food coloring to drop onto coffee filters. We're also going to paint and do other fun things with colors and color mixing. Fun, fun, fun!!!
This week I also have pictures four times this week. Two sports teams, one family, and one set of sisters that are all here visiting from different places that want a picture to give to their dad for father's day. It's going to be another busy week.
Alex had his last soccer game yesterday. His team lost 0-4...it was pretty sad. The kids were pretty disappointed to lose their last game but they vowed to all be on the same team next year and keep trying to get better and better. The kids on the team are all very sweet and they played really, really hard. They have a soccer team party next Saturday (combined with a birthday party for one of the team). They are all looking forward to getting together just for fun and not for competition.
It's starting to get really hot here. I mean REALLY HOT!!! It hit 100 yesterday and it's supposed to be over 100 for a couple of days yet, before it cools down again. I have a feeling that it's only gonna get worse from here on out. AAARRRGGGGG! I'm not ready for the hot, hot! I knew it was coming but it doesn't make it any easier. I'm in envy of Joy right about now, sitting pretty up in Washington. Maybe we'll have to visit up there sometime.
Anyway, I guess this qualifies as a big, long rambling post. I'm sorry it doesn't include any pictures...maybe next time.