Monday, April 30, 2007
BBQ/Pool Party
Friday, April 27, 2007

It's fun for me to watch Zachary have friends. He loves Daniel and Caitlin. He loves having playmates.
Monday, April 23, 2007
A Week Full of Fun!
Thanks to a very generous sister and a loving husband I was able to go to Idaho this past week. It was sooooo much fun. I traveled up there with my mom and we had a great time. What a wonderful opportunity I had to spend some one on one time with my mom. We got pedicures and massages. (It was my mom's first massage ever, it was my second) I think I hooked her on massages for life. She loved it. I was also able to see friends and attend the Idaho State Convention while I was there. Mom was the keynote speaker and she did an awesome job. Everyone was so impressed. It was so fun for me to be able to catch up with friends - I loved being there and was very sad to leave. Darrel and I made some wonderful memories in Idaho and it was bittersweet to go back and visit. Hopefully in the next year or so we'll be able to take our whole family up to visit friends.
I know I promised pictures, but I didn't end up taking any while I was there. I'll just have to remember this trip in my mind. I'll post something else with pictures later.
I know I promised pictures, but I didn't end up taking any while I was there. I'll just have to remember this trip in my mind. I'll post something else with pictures later.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Preparing to leave
I am getting ready to leave for Idaho. I'm nervous, I'm excited, and I'm worried for Joy. I just cannot express to her how much she means to me. I love her so much. I love her strength and her "go to" attitude. She is watching my children this week while I am gone. She is such an angel. She acts like it's no big deal even though I know it is. She will have Zachary from Tuesday morning until Friday night, every day until Darrel gets home from work. She'll have both my other boys from the time school is out until Darrel gets home. And then my sweet husband will be both the mom and the dad every night and throughout the weekend. I won't be home until Sunday night. I have such a wonderful and supportive family. I am so excited to go back up to Idaho and see so many of the friends I left behind. I will be attending the Idaho PTA State Convention. I know most people will roll their eyes, but I can't wait. I am so excited to see my friends and I get to spend the time with my mom also. She is meeting me up there and we are going to have a long, and fun week/weekend together. I don't even know the proper way to thank Joy and Darrel for letting me have this time. I feel so blessed and so loved. Joy - thank you, you're an angel in my life and I thank Heavenly Father every day for the opportunity we are having to live close and to share so much. You mean the world to me and I love you.
I hope to come back with lots of fun pictures to share. I need to find my smaller camera so I don't have to haul around my big, bulky one. I guess I better go get ready to go. I won't be posting until I get back so...I'll catch you on the flip side.
I hope to come back with lots of fun pictures to share. I need to find my smaller camera so I don't have to haul around my big, bulky one. I guess I better go get ready to go. I won't be posting until I get back so...I'll catch you on the flip side.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Johnathan's first baseball game
Johnathan had his first baseball game this last Monday night. He did an awesome job. He hit the ball both times (for base hits) - and even hit them on the first pitch. He was assigned as catcher for the first part of the game. As you can see in the first picture, we need to work on this part of his baseball skill set. He isn't wearing a uniform because his coach was late getting to the game and Johnathan missed the last practice where all the other team got their uniforms. 

You can see his coach in this picture, he is in the background. Once Johnathan rounded the bases the first time he was able to put on his uniform and play the rest of the game looking like the rest of his team. He did an awesome job and we were so proud of him. Tomorrow he has a karate demonstration that we are hoping to get some nice pictures of - so look for those soon.

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Gotta love kids
Last night Zachary came to bed with us. I should just know when he comes to bed to either expect not to get much sleep or move him back to his pronto. I didn't move him so guess who got a horrible night's sleep. Oh well, we can sleep when we're old right? Zachary has the "wonderful" habit of climbing into bed with us and then turning sideways and kicking or just rolling over so he's practically on top of me. I say me because I don't think he ever does this to Darrel. He is such a mama's boy and I guess that doesn't change even when he is sleeping.
Today, I have preschool (we are talking about seeds and rain). Then, Alex has a play at the school that I am very excited to go to. I will try to remember to grab my camera on my way out the door so I can take some cheesy play pictures. Tonight I have a scout day camp meeting at the stake center. I think that this has been one of my busiest days since we moved here. It's kind of nice to be able to put something in my calendar. Don't get me wrong, I'm hardly ever just not doing anything, it's just that I'm not usually required to put it into my calendar. Ah, the little things....
We really did have a great Easter weekend. I didn't post very much of what we did. Joy did a much better job on her blog about our weekend. Darin, Missy, Darrel and I got to go see Gordie Brown. He is an impressionist/singer at the Venetian. He was very good. After that we walked down the strip and saw the dancing water at the Bellagio and then went inside to see the atrium. It is constantly changing and it was all decked out for spring - very impressive. I really wished that I would have had my camera to take some pictures. I took some with my cell phone, but please, who is kidding who about cell phone pictures. I needed my good camera to take any decent ones. I'll have to go back later and take some fun pictures with my kids.
I guess I better get my day going. Have a good one!
Today, I have preschool (we are talking about seeds and rain). Then, Alex has a play at the school that I am very excited to go to. I will try to remember to grab my camera on my way out the door so I can take some cheesy play pictures. Tonight I have a scout day camp meeting at the stake center. I think that this has been one of my busiest days since we moved here. It's kind of nice to be able to put something in my calendar. Don't get me wrong, I'm hardly ever just not doing anything, it's just that I'm not usually required to put it into my calendar. Ah, the little things....
We really did have a great Easter weekend. I didn't post very much of what we did. Joy did a much better job on her blog about our weekend. Darin, Missy, Darrel and I got to go see Gordie Brown. He is an impressionist/singer at the Venetian. He was very good. After that we walked down the strip and saw the dancing water at the Bellagio and then went inside to see the atrium. It is constantly changing and it was all decked out for spring - very impressive. I really wished that I would have had my camera to take some pictures. I took some with my cell phone, but please, who is kidding who about cell phone pictures. I needed my good camera to take any decent ones. I'll have to go back later and take some fun pictures with my kids.
I guess I better get my day going. Have a good one!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Coloring eggs

We had a good time coloring eggs on Sunday afternoon - after Grammie and Grandaddy left. We needed something to do and the children remembered that we had promised them that they could color eggs. It actually turned out to be a very good time. I thought that I would share some fun pictures - because that's what I am good at. So here they are :0)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
So much to share...

I had so many pictures to share that it was almost too overwhelming. Then when I went to load the pictures, I found out that I can only post 5 at a time. Then it was just hard to pick. Easter has come and gone and with it my parents, Missy, Darin, and her boys, and Danny, Amanda, and Diesel. We had a wonderful Easter weekend. We played and colored Easter eggs. Joy and Steve's boat was out two days in a row, non-stop. I think everyone who came had a good time and I'm sure that everyone left tired. I know that it's taking me some time to play catch up after this weekend. It was so fun to have everyone here. We had a blast! Also, last night Kenneth and Johnathan had their first baseball games of the season but we'll save those pictures for the next post. Enjoy the ones that I've posted above.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The baby is here and so are the cute pictures
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