Saturday, May 23, 2009
Soccer parties and graduations
Johnathan and Zach both had soccer parties and Zach graduated from the preschool that he attends with his friend, Seth. I have to say when I attended the preschool graduation it was nice to go as just a parent of one of the children instead of being in charge of the whole thing. Zach looked so cute in his graduation hat and I loved being the mom who was taking a crazy amount of pictures. This was bittersweet for me. I do want Zachary to be able to go to kindergarten but I DO NOT want my baby to grow up. I can't believe that this is my youngest child. This is nuts! I guess we'll have to get busy one of these days and have ourselves another baby :) Enjoy the pictures from the party and graduation.

Friday, May 22, 2009
End of soccer season
Johnathan had his soccer party last night and Zach had his this week also. It's always bittersweet to come to the end of a soccer season. By the time the season is over we are always VERY ready to have it over so we don't have to figure out how we're going to get everyone to practice, and juggle three to four games per Saturday. Plus by the end of soccer season in Las Vegas it gets SUPER hot and games are not so much fun anymore. On the other hand we love the parents of the other players and it's fun to get together and chat with them once or twice a week. There's a certain camaraderie that comes from having your children play on the same team. Johnathan and Zach have both been playing on the same teams for two seasons now and so you start to really for a bond with the other parents on the team. We appreciate the friendships that have all come from our soccer team families. We will miss them but hope to see them again next season when we start the madness all over again. :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009
There's always a rainbow
These last few weeks have been a bit emotionally difficult for me but I'm here to say there's always a rainbow after the rain. I am very blessed and so lucky to have what I have and to be where I am. My family and friends are so amazing. I am blessed and I love my life and I just wanted to share. I took this picture out my parents' window after a huge rainstorm. The picture does not do justice to how beautiful the rainbow was. I didn't have my zoom lens on my camera so I couldn't get any closer but the rainbow was incredible. Just imagine it being about ten times this colorful and amazing and you'll be close. Always look for the rainbow, because it is there...waiting for you to see it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A wonderful weekend
The first weekend in May I went to Utah and spent a glorious weekend playing. I spent some time with my family, and some time with my friend, Brenda. Brenda and I drove up to Park City Saturday morning and then Midway Saturday afternoon. I've never been to Midway. That is a beautiful little town. I think I fell in love in about 15 seconds. The rolling hills and beautiful green valleys were amazing. I took some pictures of the scenery as we drove home Sunday morning - it was breathtaking. (see below) We had a wonderfully relaxing Saturday and then on Sunday I was able to listen to Brenda's awesome lesson in church and then spend a fun afternoon with my parents, my brother Ben, my brother David and his family, my grandma and our good friend, Heidi. Since every other weekend in May I am being a single mom because Darrel is out of town for one reason or another, this first weekend was so much fun and much needed. Thanks to all who hosted me and let me just relax and enjoy a weekend of friends, family, love, and wonderful scenery.

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