Monday, April 27, 2009

Singing for the birds

Zachary likes the movie Enchanted. He especially likes the part where the girl sings for the birds and they come and help her clean. A couple of weeks ago we were cleaning the house to get ready for our company and all of a sudden I realized that Zachary had opened all the windows. He kept singing/humming this tune I didn't recognize. I finally asked him what he was doing and he said he was singing for the birds to come and help. I tried to suppress my laugh because I realized he was dead serious. He thought for sure the birds would come. I asked him if he would please sing for the camera and see if the birds would come. He did. He was bummed when they didn't come. About a minute after singing for the camera he decided that they would come if I sang, because I am a girl. I sang, I didn't video that part, the birds didn't come. He was very disappointed. He's such a funny kid...


Carolyn and Mark said...

That is so cute! I wish the birds would help me too but I think my singing scares them away so no birds for me.

Anjeanette said...

OH MY!!! That is the cutest and saddest thing I have ever seen. He just keeps going and going, and he starts to look so discouraged.....that is too funny. He is so dang cute. My kids love that movie too, and it's actually my favorite. No birds come to help me either.....:(

Joy said...

Isn't it so bummer that you can't just make their little dreams come true? I would have loved to make the birds come and help him. :) That is precious.

Mandi Roth said...

I love it!! He is too cute! I wish the birds would help me.. :) Love the video. I'm suprised he would do it ont he video.

Jerolyn said...

That's some good stuff right there,,,haha!

Elise said...

Oh my gosh that is awesome! I WISH singing to the birds was all it took!!! :)

Marcie said...

That is SO cute! Gwenyth loves Enchanted too and was Giselle for Halloween. I was surprised that a lot of people didn't know who she was or hadn't even heard of the movie. It's a great one!

The Dell Family said...

That is too cute! My girls love that movie too. I will have to show the girls the video in the morning. They will love it.

P.S. Sounds like your boy has some vocals too! I guess it runs in the family :)

Jana said...

Priceless! If I sang, I would just get all ants and roaches! Oh, the ants are here now cleaning the floor! I didn't even have to sing! How lovely!