We are a soccer consumed family right now. With three kids in soccer we have BUSY Saturdays. The first picture is of Zach during a game, but the point of making it look like that was for a vinyl poster. Darrel and I are working on some cool concepts for my photography and we're trying out this idea of sports posters, more like banners. Anyway, we're playing around with some ideas and this is what we came up with...soccer action shots and then tweak the background to look like that. I think it's a radial blur (if I remember right - we tried so many things on the same day, it's all a blur -ha, no pun intended). So, tell us what you think. Would you buy a big vinyl banner of your child to hang in their room if it looked something like that??
Second picture I thought was just a cute one of Zach eating an orange. Whatever. It has nothing to do with anything except his beautiful eyes.
I give you my solemn promise that it will NOT be another month before I post again.
glad you finally posted again. Cute pictures.. I hope to hear more about what you've been up to.
Solemn promise, eh? Well, we'll be eagerly awaiting the next update. I liked the blurred out back ground. I think it looked cool.
Solemn promise...wow...that is serious stuff. I love the pictures! Keep it all coming!
Yeah....finally an update. You're not the only busy one....lady! j/k There are people out here just waiting to see more pictures of what's going on with you. Can't wait for more. :)
That picture is AMAZING!!! I love it and I would totally buy it. How ever you did it it looks great!
You now have 7 people reading your blog:) It is nice to keep up with old friends and see pictures of your kids. Hope all is well with you and your clan.
Lynette Rushton
Was I one of the 6? I'm very loyal...let me tell you.
I'm loyal, too! Thanks once more for letting us sleep at your house and use your shower. Sorry we didn't get to visit at all. It was a crazy quick weekend, but I appreciate your hospitality. Oh, and I like the blurred out photo. Very cool!
I also am loyal, but like you I am a lurker. I read daily, but rarely comment....
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