Darrel's parents came to visit us and stayed overnight for the first time in our married lives. Darrel's dad has been sick for quite a long time and hasn't been able to be around people, but he is slowly getting better and he has learned what triggers to avoid, so we aired out our house and
they brought an air filter for the room they were going to stay in and we had house guests for a night. It was so fun to have then around. We had a great time together. First they came and watched Alex play in his soccer game. Unfortunately they were only able to see him play one position. He played goalie the entire game, but he did a great job and they were very proud of him. Here is a picture of Alex blocking a shot on goal.

This is Darrel's mom, dad, and a side view of Darrel.

After Alex's game we went to the park and played baseball as a family. Grandpa Buzz watched from the sidelines.

Here is a picture (sorry about the sun spots) of Darrel, his parents, and our boys.