Now that my life has settled down and I have some time every day, I hope to keep this blog up to date. It lets me have a journal of sorts. I have never been very good about keeping a journal and I have a terrible memory, so I'd like to be at least a little better for the rest of my kids growing up years.
So, we have news...Katherine Paula Webb was born on November 7th, 2010. She is a beautiful addition to our family and we love her a ton. She was due December 7th, so it was a bit of a surprise to see her on the 7th of November. She spent a couple days in the NICU because of low blood sugar but came home the same day I did. She has been healthy and well ever since. She was 5 lb 15 oz when she was born. I've never had a baby that came close to being that small. She fit into premie clothes. She was like a little doll. I love having such a petite little girl.
So precious!
Welcome back! And...welcome to Utah. We're glad you're here.
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